Friday, January 16, 2009

Christmas with Addison

we were very lucky to get an addison visit in right after christmas! she is getting SO big and we just love her sweet smile. she is talking up a storm...DOGGIE! ball. car. dadda. DOC! Mia. please. love her!
love snuggling with her when she crashes in my arms.
the next morning, we celebrated christmas again. she got lots of doggies and loved showing uncle dave.

mom got her some wellies...i thought they were SO cute! she loved them!

she CRACKS up with her daddy. it is so sweet to watch.

hanging out with aunt marianne.

her fave is Doc! they both adore each other and LOVE dogs!
cracking herself up.
she is so funny. loves hugging mom like a koala bear. she thinks mom's hair is hilarious because there is so much of it.
i love you sweet niece!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

sweet pics! thanks for sharing! she is a HAPPY girl! i love her smile!